Dear little Boé,
I will not and cannot give up on you. Because you are my wife and I love you.
Divorce is for IDIOTS who cannot resolve their problems… What are the problem(s) we have that we cannot (re)solve??…
We have made bad choices in our past, yes, but we can change them and do the opposite. I regret a lot of things. I have learned my lessons and I really want to be with you again.
The last time I was in the hospital and I had a lot of physical pain in my heart: I really thought I could die there…without seeing you again… Then I realized I wanted you so bad. I realized divorcing was not the solution: this is not what God wants us to do. And God saved me. It is evil to separate us, this is what “devil” means: to split, to divide. It is difficult to see it: because lies are easy and can come from anyone. The first thing people will say nowadays is “divorce”. I know: I did too (to you).
What will you do if you divorce me: marry someone else?.. But you already have one Husband right now… The pain of divorce remains in the heart FOREVER. Ask my mom. Ask anyone who is divorced if they don’t have anymore pain.
I have married you to remain with you until I die. I understand you are facing a big crisis in your life since a while. I am sorry, but I am here waiting for you. Can anyone else wait for you that much?! Reversely: I know that you have done a lot for me and for us as well.
Ask yourself: What if you had only 3 months left to live?… Will you be happy with your current situation? What would you change?…
If it was me: my wish will be to spend those 3 last months with you (not with someone else!).
We are very lucky and blessed: because we are both in good health, and we are living very close by. There is no distance between us. We live in the same country, in the same city, in the same district. Yet we waste every single day…
Chaplin & Fudé sleep with me each night. They are my supporters!
With Love,
Your Husband.