French Military-style marriage gone wrong

I have never ever wanted divorce and always talked about it as some kind of nuclear option that will never be used. This is called:

Force de dissuasion

In Bahasa Melayu/Indonesia it’s called: pencegahan. It is the idea that no-one want this, and that the other person will change BEFORE using the option. Actually France has never taken this decision (so far).

I just wanted to give you warnings that something was inherently wrong between us:

  • I removed the wedding rings (I cried so many times thinking about this, but it gone worse & worse)
  • I stayed less & less at home
  • started to talk about divorce
  • initiated the divorce

I have always believed that somehow everything will resolve… I will still believe in you, even if/after the divorce (see reason #6).

As of today: I am not divorced (yet), and still married. But it is with a lot of pain that my intent has failed.

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