Our marriage is still standing
No matter where you go and try to hide on this planet, our marriage is still standing, it is still valid, it is still in force. How come? Because our…
No matter where you go and try to hide on this planet, our marriage is still standing, it is still valid, it is still in force. How come? Because our…
Amsal 30:20 (BIMK)Inilah siasat seorang wanita yang tidak setia kepada suaminya: Sesudah berzinah, ia makan lalu menyeka mulutnya, kemudian berkata, “Aku tidak berbuat apa-apa!” 2 Timotius 3:13 (INOTAZI)sedangkan orang-orang yang…
It is not enough to leave your family once, you are leaving me a second time, even further. You might listen to this before you go?… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRIJ7PSAHkk
You cannot get a new past, but you can get a new future: with the help of God and by following His laws and His will.A husband has been joined…
When you make one bad decision, the only way to fix it is to undo/cancel it. You cannot make a second bad decision to fix the first one, because: "two…
1) decide that you want/need your husband (like I have decided that I want/need my wife)2) contact him on Telegram (because this is what he uses all the time) and…
When a wife ignores her husband completely, it is called DEFLECTION. This requires a daily process to continue taking such decision in your heart. Every single day when you wake…
You probably don't care but: Happy Valentine's Day 2023! I love you!Chu²,Your Husband.
Boé, what have we done with our marriage, we should be together, I always pray to God for our marriage restoration, but we will never get back all this (wasted)…