Surviving separation
It is entirely possible to survive a separation and have the marriage restored. How can the Husband achieve this even if he is alone holding his marriage together? The answer…
3.5 years of separation
Today is the dark 3.5 years separation anniversary when Boé left home. Now the question that she has problably never asked herself is: Who has the most pain when a…
Birthday card 4th June 2021
Dear (little) Boé ❤️, Happy Birthday! I missed you a lot during this special day… My gifts for you this year are below! Even if you ignore me: I want…
Please read this entirely
Hi Boé, For your Irish citizenship application: yes it's ok, because that is the reality (we are still married). If you need anything you can ask me. I am still…
My sister’s dream
Some weeks ago: my sister had a dream. It went like this (she is talking to me): I wanted to leave Europe to go to Turkey, so I went to…
My grandfather died
Today my grandfather died. I have sent you an email and posted a card into your mailbox. I love you and miss you.
I am not alone while I wait